Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Perfect Housewife.

The "Perfect Housewife."  What does that even mean?   Mentally, I picture a woman waking up at 6 am to make a full breakfast for her entire family.  Wearing a crisp dress and perfectly laid apron with a baby on her hip.  Gracefully she cleans all day and prepares a 3 course meal for dinner so its waiting when the husband gets home.  She finally gets her 2.5 children to sleep, sits down to hem her husbands pants and finally goes to sleep just to wake up to do it all again.

Well guess what?  I am NOTHING like that.  I like to have a tidy house that is clean, but by no means is it completely clutter free and organized.  Sometimes I get super motivated to have everything organized so perfectly in bins marked with white labels and sharpies, but thats not my personality.  Even if I attempt, my habits always kick in and now I have a husband and daughter to distract from those goals.  I figure though, that if I spend my life cleaning and being OCD about my house, I will miss out on so much.  I wont just sit and hold my daughter, or spend hours reading to her and teaching her how to stand on her own.  To me, thats most important.  Humans are so imperfect and really not capable to do everything.  Somethings got to give, and for me it seems like its my house that suffers.

One thing about my "perfect housewife" image I would like to attain to is always having dinner made.  I seem to go in spurts making dinner.  One week I will make 4 out of 5 of our meals, the next we will go out every night.  I actually HATE that.  Right now, I am trying so hard to lose weight.  After Claire was born, I needed to lose 80-85 pounds.  So far I have lost 50 pounds doing Weight Watchers and exercising roughly 3 times a week.  Trying to come up with healthy meals is HARD.  I dont like to make anything too extensive, and my husband is the pickiest eater I have ever seen.  Its not that I cant cook, because I can.  I know how to follow a recipe, I understand different techniques.  By no means am I a high-class Chef, but I can cook.

There is one mom I know that I used to work with that is always posting pictures of the amazing meals she makes for her family.  She is SOOO creative and everything always looks so delicious.  Even the lunches she puts together for her kids seem so fun and yet still healthy.  Ultimately, Claire is my motivation.  I want her to grow up eating healthy food and living a healthy life---but it has to start with me.  She has to see good habits and be part of good habits her entire childhood in order to continue with them as an adult.  I did not grow up in a healthy family.  I vividly remember my step-mom eating mint chip ice cream out of the BUCKET.  With each bite she would submerge the ice cream with chocolate sauce...SO REPULSIVE.  Definitely NOT the image I want my daughter to remember.

So tonight, I am off to look up billions of recipes and keep them for my up coming meals.  I am not one to make a new years resolution, but maybe becoming a version of a perfect housewife is one I should consider..

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