Friday, December 2, 2011

Funny Little Things.

Well my sister-in-law is pregnant with her third little bambino. Technically 4th since she suffered a miscarriage earlier in the year.  Her youngest is 8 years old, so she really is starting over and its so exciting to be a part of it. (I was the first one she told hehehe)  Talking babies with her has me thinking about my pregnancy, and I kind of laugh at the funny things I did and thought during that time.

I found out IMMEDIATELY I was pregnant.  I have PCOS, with very irregular periods.  So every 7 weeks, if my period didn't come on its own, I was to take a progesterone pill to make myself get it.  So, I had to take a pregnancy test before I took the pill to be safe.  Well, one Monday morning at 7:30 am, I took a test and was shocked to see that second line pop up!!!  Since my periods were so irregular, I had NO clue how far I could even be, so the doctor had me come in to do an ultrasound.  When I went in, the picture had me at 3 weeks pregnant.  SO BARELY pregnant---HA.  ANYWAYS, because I knew so early, and was choosing to wait until after the first trimester to tell friends, I remember thinking at 7 weeks that I was SOOO far along.  I just kept thinking, I am beyond halfway done with the first tri! I was so impressed.  Looking back--I have no clue why i thought that.  I had 30 weeks to go! Over half a year left!!

Another funny thing I thought was at 18 weeks when my belly started rounding out, I thought i was HUGE. I thought I had such a big pregnant belly.  Looking back, since I already had some what of a belly in general, no one would have known I was pregnant.  I am such a spaz.  Third, I was so afraid to put my cell phone in a coat pocket that would graze my belly.  Don't you know that potentially, the phone omits radiation and can deform my baby??? I have no idea where I got that from either.

I had such an amazing, and uneventful pregnancy.  I am so blessed to be so lucky.  I had Claire 3 weeks early.  I was huge and didn't have to suffer the dreadful, final 3 weeks!  As a first time mom, and being naive to the whole experience, you cant help but think crazy things.  You fear the worst, and hope for the best--every minute of every day for nearly 10 months.  But I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!!

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