Thursday, May 24, 2012

Teething, Fevers and summer!

My poor little angel had her first real fever over that past weekend.  Previously, she had one very low fever (99.0) from a vaccination,but other than that she had never had one.  Claire actually has never really been sick.  She gets the occasional stuffy nose, but never a cough or ear problems and etc.  So, because I am not used to a "sick" baby, I was really scared.

Saturday she woke up around 7:30 totally normal.  She got a little whiney by the end of the morning, but I just assumed it was because she was tired and ready for her afternoon nap.  Well, I put her down at 1 pm and she didnt wake until 4:30!  A 3.5 hour nap!!  She never naps like that!  I was very surprised she slept so long, but still didnt think anything of it.  Saturday was a really hot day, sometimes we can feel so drained from being in the heat-which is why I thought she slept so long.  However, she woke up from her nap very grumpy.  By the evening, I could just feel the heat radiating off of her.  I took her temperature and it was about 101.6 degrees.  Yes, I know that still isnt very "high" in comparison to other.  For a first-time mom, though, its so scary dealing with the first fever! 

It really is just a learning experience though, part of mommy hood!  I try not to medicate Claire, unless its extremely necessary.  I, personally, dont like taking medication.  I dont even like taking ibprofuen or tylenol when I have a headache.  Saturday night, though, I didnt hold back on the meds for Claire.  It was her bedtime and it made me so nervous putting her to bed with a fever and not being able to just watch her.  So I gave her some fever reducer which helped her sleep.  She woke up in the middle of the night one time crying, she was so sad! Sunday morning she woke up and was still had a fever, I checked it and it was about 102.  The whole day she laid on me and fell asleep on me and cuddled with me.  It was sad seeing her so unhappy, but I will admit I did love the cuddles.

Monday was her 1 year check up so I didnt bother calling the nurses line to see what was wrong with Claire.  When she got up on Monday, she no longer had a fever---which I was so thankful for!!  We went to the doctor and she was perfectly healthy and as happy as a peach!  The doctor thought her fever was in relation to her teeth.  Seeing that she had no other symptoms, I figured as much.  However, she has 5 teeth already and never got a fever with any of them! She is late to the teething game, so it could be that she is getting a bunch of teeth at once. 

Anyways, this was a very long and rambly blog today.  Its been in the 80's here already, which means it is clearly summer!!  I plan to camp a ton, and swim and I even have a couples get-away planned to Chicago!  I can not wait to do so many fun things with Claire.  It surely will be the summer of my lifetime this year!

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